Thursday, November 24, 2011

Jehovahs Witnesses: what is a false prophet?


End of 1260 days of Rev 12. Start of "the last days". Three Worlds (1877), p114. (see Key to publication codes)

Replaced by 1799 no later than 1889, with SiS2. [Note 1]


Start of "the last days". Napoleon debased the pope and ended the 1260 days of Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 11:1-3. WT Jan-Feb 1889 [repr p1093]. SiS2 p256. SiS3 p58,63,64

Replaced by 1914 in 1930 [Note 2]


End of the 1290 years (from 539AD) of Daniel 12:11, when Miller's movement started. SiS3 p84, SiS7 p40, 60, 163. Our Lord's Return (1929) p27.

Abandoned in 1930


Miller's "end of the world." To Russell, start of 30 year "tarrying time," corresponding to 30 years from Jesus' birth to his baptism. SiS2 p240

Abandoned in 1930


End of the 2300 days, G. Storrs and others abandoned false doctrines, "sanctuary cleansed". Also start of "evangelical alliance" between protestant churches, called "spiritistic". SiS3 p108, SiS7 p163.

Abandoned in 1930


6000 years of human existance ends, start of seventh millenium: THE millenium of Revelation; the Day of the Lord. See SiS2 foreword, p39. (New chronology making 1975 the end of 6000 years was adopted in 1943, but 1975 was not made an official prophetic date until 1966, with Life Everlasting.)

Abandoned in 1930


The start of Christ's invisible presence. Russell's most important date. Three Worlds p175, SiS2 p170, Our Lord's Return p27, Proclaimers p133 footnote. Until around 1904, Russell taught that this year marked the start of the Battle of Armageddon, WT 1/15/92 p21-3 [repr p1355]. SiS2, p101.

Abandoned in 1930; [Note 2] WTS itself claims it was abandoned in 1943


End of "Great Jubilee Cycle." End of 1335 days in Dan 12:12. The invisible resurrection of the saints started. (Note also that Russell held that the "Biblical year" 1875 started Oct 1874.) Three Worlds p108.

Idea of invisible resurrection in 1875 replaced by 1878 in 1881?


End of gospel age, the rapture of the saints. Three Worlds p68; Proclaimers p632; Divine Purpose p19.

Naturally abandoned after 1878


Heavenly resurrection of dead saints. God's favor returning to the Jews. Kingdom of God started to exercise power. WT Oct 1879 [repr p39]. SiS2 p101. SiS6, p663. Millions (1920) p27-8. 1928 editions of The Harp of God had removed this date from the text (see pp236, 244 in earlier editions).

Abandoned in 1928


Rapture of the saints, including Russell and other Bible Students. WT Jan 1881 [repr p180], Dec 1880 [repr p172], compare May 1881 [repr p224].

Abandoned and even denied from May 1881


Close of "high calling" to be among 144.000. Fall of Babylon. Proclaimers p632.

Replaced by 1918 in 1922?. Close of "high calling" later moved to 1935


Expected rapture of the Saints, based on measurments in corridor in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. SiS3, p364, versions issued before 1910.

Naturally abandoned after 1910


The end of this world, Christ's literal return, the end of Armageddon and latest possible date for rapture. Jews expected to return to God's favour.

"Present truth" until the end of 1914, but replaced by 1915 from around 1912 to Aug 1914 (start of WWI, which was felt to somehow fulfill the above prophecies about 1914).


Christ's invisible return, start of reign as King, end of last days. "Gentile times" ended, but this has no visible effect, except an (JW-imagined) increase in violence, wars, pestilence, earthquakes and other calamities since that year.

Current JW doctrine. From 1922 this was held to be start of Christ's *reign*, from 1930 also the start of invisible presence (earlier held to be 1874). [Note 2] Until recently, the WTS taught that some of those who experienced the events in 1914 would be alive to see the end of the world. This "1914 generation" doctrine was removed in November 1995. See WT 11/1 1995 p17. The "Creator's promise" about the end of the world before the 1914-generation died was removed from masthead (p4) of Awake! in 11/8 1995 issue. Whole idea of "generation" in Mt 24:34 being specific individuals is now abandoned.


The end of the world. From ~1912 until start of WWI this year replaced 1914 in Russell's writings, since 2520 years from 606BC ends in 1915 not 1914 as Russell had thought. The fact that there is no zero year was "forgotten" when some events happened in 1914. In 1943 the idea that had been promoted in SiS7, namely to move Jerusalem's destruction from 606 to 607BC, was officially adopted (The fact that Jerusalem according to Bible chronology fell in 587BC does not interfere with Watchtower chronology.)

Year abandoned after start if WWI


False religion, especially Christendom, to be destroyed. Demons would enter the minds of clergy, the "swine class", causing them to do stupid things that provokes "the masses" to destroy them. "Church members by millions" thus killed by God. SiS7 p1|||wow...I did not know about the 1989 prediction. Of course, I left that cult a year later so I had my own worries to deal with.

When I was a follower (for 31 years), we were spoon fed as to how we were to respond to false prophet allegations about the organisation (from its beginning all the way till present day).

If memory serves me right...the "new light" has gotten brighter and brighter so the modern day GB know not to make anymore claims of prophecy. But I wonder what happened in 1989?? hmmmmm

Anyway, when I was in...we were highly discouraged from doing our own investigations...the Watchtower even said that the internet sites were from apostates and satan controlled apostates. They used every threat and innuendo that they could think of.

It took me years, after I was df'd, to have the guts to go to the internet to do my own searching. WELL!! Were my eyes opened...I went on legit sites (not run by "apostates") and I could not believe that the roots of the cult are based on nothing but false predictions!! Not only that...but the roots of the organiization is based on deep astrology and numerology.

This made me realize why the leaders are so interested in dates...and figuring out events from Jesus time to now. And the only "proof" they have for dates and predictions is that they are supposedly "God's channel."

So any active JW will say their religion is not based on false prophecy...but anyone that did a non-biased search will realize how they are so mistaken with their opinion.|||ok wait... all you people are asking these questions to Jahovahs Witnesses... i htought they couldnt get on computers or have birthdays or anything... why would you ask them questions?|||JW is false religion.|||They are never allowed to answer questions that have not been vetted.

They live life in misery and falsehoods.

The only time I have seen one happy is when they where doing a gang bang and knocking up another Kingdom Hall.|||A false prophet is a person who claims to speak on behalf of God but then gets it wrong. In Old Testament days, a false prophet was to be stoned to death. Jehovah's Witnesses protest that they have never claimed to be a prophet, yet they insist they are God's sole channel of communication, and only they have the truth:

1921 - Studies In The Scriptures, Volume 7, page 236: “In 1878 the stewardship of the things of God, the teaching of Bible truths, was taken from the clergy, unfaithful to their age long stewardship, and given to Pastor Russell… Then, in 1881 he became God’s watchman for all Christendom, and began his gigantic work of witness.”

However, in 1979 an article in the 1 March Watchtower (page 24) discredited Russell: “In this regard, however, it must be observed that this ‘faithful and discrete slave’ was never inspired, never perfect… Things published were not perfect in the days of Charles Taze Russell, first president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, nor were they perfect in the days of J.F. Rutherford, the succeeding president. The increasing light on God’s Word as well as the facts of history have repeatedly required that adjustments of one kind or another be made down to the very present time. But let us never forget the motives of this ‘slave’ were always pure, unselfish; at all times it has been well meaning.”

The Society then changed focus away from 1878 and from their belief that they would be taken to heaven by 1 October 1914. They said that Jehovah had allowed them to draw a wrong conclusion about their expectations for 1914!

1916 – The Watch Tower 1 February with regard to 1 October, 1914: “This was the last point of time that Bible chronology pointed out to us as relating to the Church’s experiences. Did the Lord tell us that we would be taken [to heaven] then? No. What did He say? His Word and the fulfilments of prophecy seemed to point unmistakably that this date marked the end of the Gentile Times. We inferred from this that the Church’s ‘change’ would take place on or before that date. But God did not tell us that it would be so. He permitted us to draw that inference; and we believe that it has proven to be a necessary test upon God’s dear saints everywhere.”

They then declared that Jesus chose them to be his ‘faithful and discrete slave’ in 1918. Publication ‘Light For All Mankind II’ page 348: “In 1918, three and a half years after his [Jesus] enthronement, he cleansed Jehovah’s spiritual temple, as represented on earth by the congregation of anointed Christians.”

Watchtower, 15 July 1960, page 436: “…finally cleansed by a fiery test by 1918, the matured ‘slave’ as represented by a remnant now stood ready for new assignments of service.”

Watchtower, 1 March 1981, page 24: “Beginning with Pentecost 33 C.E., and continuing through the 19 centuries since then, this slave-like congregation has been feeding its members spiritually.”

So, when the 'faithful and discrete slave' gets it wrong, then it must be because Jehovah is allowing them to draw the wrong conclusions. After all, they said they were never inspired, never perfect, just well-meaning folks who make mistakes. Good job we no longer live under the Old Testament Law.

Here is a link to a comprehensive list of all the predictions they've made about when to expect Armageddon:|||Didn't International Bible Students began in 1870 to 1931?

Do bible students study considerations.

If bible students are held responsible for considerations in study

that is not given in religious belief systems as most of them

think the time in the bible is the age of the earth and is proof

that they have less than a clue what the bible is all about, then

why is one more to blame than the other, ignore something or

try to figure it out, which is best? Abandoned means man did

not get it in the right place where God has it, ignoring it is the


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