Saturday, November 19, 2011

Homework Help! I dont know french!?

I need help with my geography homework but I don't know french! Can someone PLEASE help me!! I appreciate if you leave the answer here =] Sorry but I cant put those line things on top of the e's. This is all about Egypte.

1. Cite des noms de monuments historiques qu'on trouve en Egypte.

2.A quoi servaient les pyramides?

3.Quel est de nom des 3 celebre pyramides de Gizeh?

4. Qu'est-ce qu'un a decouvert sur le pharaon Toutankhamon en1922 dans la vallee des Rois pres de l'ancienne vill de Thebes?

Thats it thanks!|||1. list the names of historic monuments that are found in Egypt.

2. How were the pyramids used?

3.What are the names of the 3 pyramids of Gizah?

4.What was discovered on the Pharaon Toutankhamon in 1922 in the valley of the Kings close to old cheap to Thebes?

Hope that helps!|||ISCED of the names of historic buildings which one finds in Egypt.

A what served the pyramids?

What is of name of the 3 celebre pyramids of Gizeh?

What does decouvert have on the Pharaon Toutankhamon in 1922 in the valley of the Kings close to old the vill of Thebes?|||1) List the names of historic monuments you would find in Egypt.

2) What was used for the pyramids - I believe they mean materials

3) the names of the 3 famous pyramids in Giza

4) Who discovered King Tut's tomb.

Hope your answers don't need to be in french.|||Megan is correct,

Lizzie is incorrect.

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