Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Great Pyramid of Gizeh, is it a witness in stone?

Great question......probably so.

I see by most of the other answers, most people cannot think "outside the box" on a symbolic or spiritual level. Lord, let them have eyes to see with, ears to hear with.|||Yes|||Just keep grasping at those straws of they make you feel better...

Would you care to explain why you think so?|||I think so. But I also think it and the sphinx are pre-flood structures.

.|||a witness of what?|||See them live for yourself on this cool website...|||^




Crazy|||I I'm am not mistaken, there is something about Jesus being the Cap Stone in the Bible.

Been a while since I read it. Could be wrong, but don't think so.|||I don't believe stone makes a very good witness. Why don't you try asking it some questions and see what it says.|||It is a place of initiation for adepts and its configuration of rooms communicates to others beings of life on Earth.|||After studying it for many years with both Christian teachers and New Agers,I believe as stated in Ezekial "It is a witness ".My tendency is to believe that Ol' Enoch had a hand in it before the flood as a witness not only of God but as a monument to weights and measures.There's a million things to say but remember ,there are 153 steps up the Grand Gallery inside the pyramid.Remember when Peter pulled out a net of 153 fishes? Why was that # mentioned?|||Maybe, considering it's a giant phallus.

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